Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's 2011 And AIDS Is Still Funny

Google Chat from today:

me:  if this were the great gatsby, it would be socially acceptable for me to smack you in public right now
 GG:  why
 me:  twice
 GG:  lolz
(red smiley face emoticon)
 me:  too bad they dont have an emoticon with a shiner
 GG:  my face is red from smacking
best i could do
 me:  i see
 Sent at 2:21 PM on Wednesday
 me:  so you don't eat dinner
 GG:  not on purpose, i just havent since i got back
i go home and have a beer, then befor i know it its time for bed
oh, well last night i got a quesadilla at the bar
it was NASty
 me:  is it because the AIDS medication makes you tired and nauseous?
 GG:  im not on AIDS medication
shoudl i be?
 me:  sorry HIV
 GG:  ...
 me:  ...
 GG:  (pile of shit emoticon)
 me:  gross
 GG:  (pig face emoticon)
 me:  always with the poop piles with you
 GG:  i like them
they make my point
 me:  first sign of a problem everything goes straight to shit
 GG:  (boom box emoticon)
 me:  do the tunes make the AIDS hurt less?
GG:  i feel no pain
 me:  ok enough of that
 GG:  HA
 me:  enough
 GG:  truce
 me:  if thats what you want to call it
 GG:  do you want to call it something else?
 me:  i'd call it the "stop it with the emoticons or i'm not talking to you anymore" game
 GG:  ok, works for me
 me:  you didn't even ask the amount of time that i'd ban talking to you
 GG:  any amount is too much
i concede
 me:  the GG i know would have responded with a shit pile
 GG:  i am shamed
 me:  well this is going south
 GG:  i am still sick
i am going to start taking antibiotics tonight
because at this point its probably pheumonia
 Sent at 2:31 PM on Wednesday
 me:  antibiotics = epzicom?
 GG:  amoxicillan
something like that
 me:  well that wont do any good
epzicom is the way to go
 me:  oh

-DJ Happenstance

Ode to college advisement

A misplaced yank here. I just wanted to give a brief shout out to the half-wits that help me make my college schedule.

Your strange little office smells oh so weird
You're clueless about classes as I feared
You've got no good advice
So I'll try to be nice
But I can't stop staring at your beard

The times that we've spent are a waste
Half hour gone without a trace
My schedule's a mess
Per your suggest
I'd like to punch you in the face

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Hello all,
This is A Misplaced Yank. Seriously. I'd like to talk to you a few minutes about myself and my contributions to this blog. They will be vile, twisted, weird, uncomfortable, and chock full of incorrect grammar for full effect. And furthermore I'll probably use the wrong affect to further this affect.  Get used to it.

A little bit about my day.
I woke in drunken stupor headed for the john this morning and decided I'm no longer participating in small talk. Small talk... silly questions and responses for people you don't particularly know but are forced to converse with because of proximity. Yikes. Example.

Irritating guy: "Hey...(awkward pause because he doesn't actually know my name)... Heh.. how's school going?'

A misplaced yank: " Good, good... (awkward pause because I don't actually know his name either but have making fun of him for weeks because he doesn't know mine.) ... school is really picking up, last few weeks.. uh... this semester ya know."

IG:" Well we all did it..."
AMY:" Well not EVERYBODY... heh."
IG: (he doesn't laugh because his sense of humor is dull) "Well... most of us. You'll be fine. I was. Heh."
AMY:" Right... so ... what would you like to drink?" (because the misplaced yank waits tables)
IG:"I don't know... what do you think is good?" (interesting, he never asks this because he usually doesn't care what I think)
AMY: "I think the (insert fancy italian wine pronunciation) is really delicious, full bodied, a bit spicy with hints of blackberry."
IG:"... huh... ten bucks a glass (he thinks I'm trying to pad the bill (sidenote: I totally am) because I suggest something decent) just bring me the pinot. Whatever."
AMY: (insert condescending) Of course sir, excellent choice...( under breath, "you prick")
And scene... Great job everyone, you really sold it.

Sidenote: I'm actually sitting in this place right now writing about this conversation. Whoa.
Other sidenote: I walked to the store to get Guinness so everyone has an excuse to get wasted this evening because it's St. Patty's and witnessed two people breaking up in a very small car. Normally this would be depressing except both people were very fat. Ha, sorry, I think that's just a little funny. The Geo looked like a crescent roll can that you just slapped on the counter and the sides are leaking dough. Great visual right?

That's all for the evening. Much love and strangeness.
-A misplaced yank


I have always enjoyed a good banana dog, a year ago a friend of mine also expressed his love for the food. I though maybe everyone should know about them.