Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's 2011 And AIDS Is Still Funny

Google Chat from today:

me:  if this were the great gatsby, it would be socially acceptable for me to smack you in public right now
 GG:  why
 me:  twice
 GG:  lolz
(red smiley face emoticon)
 me:  too bad they dont have an emoticon with a shiner
 GG:  my face is red from smacking
best i could do
 me:  i see
 Sent at 2:21 PM on Wednesday
 me:  so you don't eat dinner
 GG:  not on purpose, i just havent since i got back
i go home and have a beer, then befor i know it its time for bed
oh, well last night i got a quesadilla at the bar
it was NASty
 me:  is it because the AIDS medication makes you tired and nauseous?
 GG:  im not on AIDS medication
shoudl i be?
 me:  sorry HIV
 GG:  ...
 me:  ...
 GG:  (pile of shit emoticon)
 me:  gross
 GG:  (pig face emoticon)
 me:  always with the poop piles with you
 GG:  i like them
they make my point
 me:  first sign of a problem everything goes straight to shit
 GG:  (boom box emoticon)
 me:  do the tunes make the AIDS hurt less?
GG:  i feel no pain
 me:  ok enough of that
 GG:  HA
 me:  enough
 GG:  truce
 me:  if thats what you want to call it
 GG:  do you want to call it something else?
 me:  i'd call it the "stop it with the emoticons or i'm not talking to you anymore" game
 GG:  ok, works for me
 me:  you didn't even ask the amount of time that i'd ban talking to you
 GG:  any amount is too much
i concede
 me:  the GG i know would have responded with a shit pile
 GG:  i am shamed
 me:  well this is going south
 GG:  i am still sick
i am going to start taking antibiotics tonight
because at this point its probably pheumonia
 Sent at 2:31 PM on Wednesday
 me:  antibiotics = epzicom?
 GG:  amoxicillan
something like that
 me:  well that wont do any good
epzicom is the way to go
 me:  oh

-DJ Happenstance

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